Authorization Procedure
Greece is at the heart of trade and energy routes between East and West.
Surrounded by many countries, Greece has a commercial interest in various sectors, such as shipping, fisheries, transport and energy, raw materials extraction and of course tourism.
Cooperation for the implementation of cross-border projects is very important for the creation, future management and operation.
For the above reason, the investor will need the guidance and assistance of an experienced lawyer solving all kinds of problems that may arise, particularly when the investor is foreigner due to language and culture differences.
Mr. Papanastasiou, as a qualified and experienced lawyer in business projects and co-operations, will support your investment projects in your best interest.
The layer
Dimos-Dimitrios Papanastassiou was born in Athens in 1969 and grew up in a bilingual family. He completed his first legal state examination with a focus on business law in 1994 . Since 1997 he is a member of the Athens Bar Association and worked in the German-speaking law firm of Dr. med. Oekonomides & Partners in Athens. In 2002 he founded his own, privately owned law office at 18 Dorileou Street in Athens.
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